The Hands of the Therapist: The Crucial Role of Palpation in Therapy
Mahtab Bayat, "North American Journal of Oriental Medicine", November 2013
Since the second year of my acupuncture studies, I had been intrigued by why the same choice of treatment points and the same needling techniques could produce different effects when administered by different acupuncturists. People talk about “energy” and attribute a good treatment to the therapist’s own “healing energy.” This was possibly true, but I was not convinced yet. I wanted to give a concrete form to that “healing energy”; I wanted to have access to it ...
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Treatment of Pain and Challenges In Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Mahtab Bayat, "North American Journal of Oriental Medicine", March 2013
In response to Mr Mizutani’s request to share our experiences of challenges with acupuncture and moxibustion, I would like to share a recent case history which I experienced as very challenging and at the same time as a very rich source of learning ...
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The Value of Palpation as shown in 2 different Gallbladder Channel Pathologies
Mahtab Bayat, "North American Journal of Oriental Medicine", July 2015
Channel palpation
Over the last years, I have become more and more convinced that palpation is in fact an essential component of the treatment. I do believe that our sensory tools are one of the most important tools we have which connect our Qi to the Qi of the patient, and thus best enables us to understand the body of the patient ...
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Chronic pain as a multidimensional phenomenon
Mahtab Bayat, "North American Journal of Oriental Medicine", July 2016
People suffering from chronic pain form one of the major patient groups who turn to acupuncture as the last hope in their long trajectory of often-multidisciplinary treatments. In this context it is interesting to notice how different people deal differently with their “pain”. Some people feel uncomfortable when talking about their pain as they consider pain a sign of “weakness”. There are also people who talk constantly about their pain as if it dominates their mental space ...
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Supportive Treatment of Cancer
Mahtab Bayat, "North American Journal of Oriental Medicine", July 2018
Cancer and its treatment is one the biggest challenges that we face in our practice. Cancer is complex, the malign cancerous cells grow rapidly, they change the normal healthy tissues and consume the vital Qi. Whether we can slow down the growth of the cancer cells is a big question and demands research ...